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First-Generation Alumni Mentorship Program




Coming to college as a first-generation student brings a unique set of challenges to an already difficult college experience. In my personal experience, though my parents were always very supportive, there were many questions they did not know how to answer. While school was challenging, I struggled most with understanding what my life was going to look like after graduation. I had no idea what an aerospace engineer(or any kind of engineer for that matter) did on a day-to-day basis. My only knowledge came from what I had seen in movies. When I started to apply for internships and figure out what I wanted to do when I graduated, I was completely lost. Looking back on my experience now, I really would have benefitted from a mentor program with someone who had previously been in the same shoes as me. 




A program that could be very beneficial for first-generation students is a mentorship with alumni students who now work in the industry. Ideally, the alumni mentors would have completed the same degree program the student is working on, and also have been first-generation students during their time at the university. These mentors will be able to share their experiences with the student, including how they overcame adversity during their time in college, and maybe even share the mistakes they made. When I started my internship, mentorship was strongly encouraged. Senior interns in my program were assigned to be peer mentors to share the experiences they just went through, and interns could have mentor engineers to help guide them through their new career. Mentorship was one of the most beneficial parts of my internship. I knew that if I had a question, or ran into a problem, that there was someone there who could either answer my question or find someone that could.




The first step into implementing a program like this is to find alumni who are willing to be contacted by the university. This can be done retroactively with people who are part of the alumni association. Graduating seniors can take a survey where they are asked if they would like to participate in a mentorship program. There are also other organizations, such as the CEC First Generation Students program that can ask their students if they would like to be mentors to incoming engineering students once they graduate. This mentorship program would establish a line of communication between the mentor and student, whether that be a weekly email or biweekly Microsoft Teams meeting. The mentor and student would set goals. These can be short-term goals such as what they want to accomplish in the next semester, or long-term goals such as what they want to do when they graduate. The mentor should be willing to help provide resources to this student and answer the questions they may have, especially regarding their future career. The mentor is able to give a unique count of their first-hand experience within the industry, since they are currently working there.  This program would hopefully encourage retention of first-generation students working to get engineering degrees. I knew an engineering degree would be difficult, but there were many times when my classes were really difficult, I questioned if I had what it takes to be an engineer. After completing my internship, I took AESP 415 Aircraft Design. Because I had seen what the manufacturing process looks like in the workplace, the class made way more sense to me than it would have otherwise. 


Mentorship would also provide a first look into what networking looks like, which is an important skill I learned through my internship. It is important to learn to network when finding a job. Networking within the industry is vital to career success. Who you know can determine if you are able to get the help you need if a difficult problem arises that requires other expertise. Mentorship can bridge the gap in this area. 


Success of this program can be measured in a few different ways. Mentors and mentees can fill out surveys measuring their growth during the time period and provide feedback. I think a program that is most successful is one that continuously grows and evolves. If the participants are satisfied and it helps out newer students that can be considered a success. 




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